Cancer Prevention Research

Cancer Prevention Research

Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 1940-6207
e-ISSN: 1940-6215

Cancer Prevention Research is devoted exclusively to cancer prevention. The Journal publishes important original studies, reviews, and perspectives within the major topic areas of biology of premalignancy, risk factors and risk assessment, early detection research, immunoprevention, and chemopreventive and other interventions, including the basic science behind them. Cancer Prevention Research comprises preclinical, clinical, and translational research, with special attention given to molecular discoveries and an emphasis on building a translational bridge between the basic and clinical sciences.

Title information

Cancer Prevention Research welcomes submission of original research and review articles to the journal. For descriptions and length requirements of the article types available to submitting authors, see the journal’s Categories of Articles.

The AACR Journals all use a similar Editorial Process and adhere to the same overarching Editorial Policies, both of which are detailed in the Information for Authors. These instructions contain important guidelines on authorship, publishing ethics, availability of materials and data, and data analysis and reporting. Authors should be familiar with these instructions prior to submitting their work to the journal. Manuscripts are stringently reviewed for high standards of scientific merit, and only those that report results of novel, timely, and broadly significant research are accepted for publication.

Editorial oversight of Cancer Prevention Research and decisions on manuscripts submitted to the journal are the responsibility of the Editorial Board with support from journal staff. See Editorial Board for more information.

For detailed metrics about Cancer Prevention Research and the other AACR journals, see AACR Journals Metrics.

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Publisher: American Association for Cancer Research
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